Articles on: Job posts

Modify the automated email sent on a successful application

Click into an existing job.

Click on the ⚙️ icon in the top right and choose the settings option - to view the job settings screen

In the sidebar choose "Emails"

Scroll down and enable the New Applicants email template by turning the toggle switch to the ON position.

Verify the email template that will be sent out to new applicants on a successful application.

Update the Reply-To email address if needed. This will be the email address replies go to.

The company name - set in that job - will be used as the From name for the email account.

You can use magic variables in the email template by using an "@" sign
Common magic variables include Applicant First Name, Applicant Full Name, Company Name, etc. A full list of available magic variables will be shown when you type "@".

Click "Save Template" once you've made all desired changes.

The new customised template will now be sent to candidates upon successful application submission for that job.

Updated on: 26/08/2024

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